Thursday, 11 August 2011


.... in heaven! This fair trade jewellery made in a Nairobi workshop in Kenya is my jewellery of choice at the moment. with a "trade not aid" philosophy it gives people in Africa a chance to make better lives for themselves whilst the jewellery really is stunning. I bought two necklaces and some bangles from Laura Bailey for Made and now I'm hankering after this charm bracelet and these rings for my birthday!

Wedding Bells!

My cousin is getting married tomorrow and I have been asked to do a reading! I have found this beautiful quote out of Captain Corelli's Mandolin, what you think?

Love is a temporary madness
It erupts like volcanoes and then subsides
And when it subsides you have to make a decision
You have to work out whether your roots are so entwined together
that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.

Because that is what love is.
Love is not breathlessness,
It is not excitement,
it is not the promulgation of eternal passion.
That is just “being in love” which any fool can do.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away
and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.
Those that truly love, have roots that grow towards each other underground,
and when all the pretty blossom have fallen from their branches,
they find that they are one tree and not two.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Favourite finds!

I love these finds this week:
The deck chair and napkin is from thornback and peal
This fab book cushion is from Skandivis
I just love this make up bag from Berry Red, on the wish list please!
I've been eyeing up this Cath Kidston Roberts radio for a while now!
I really want to renovate some old furniture and put some of these door knobs on, from V&A shop
This stylish Scandinavian style bee hotel is made by a guy in Edinburgh from his shed, I think it's so quirky

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

I heart my chums!

I really do have the bestest of friends! I had a lazy Friday afternoon, supping white wine in the garden with my friend, and my friend bought me these most beautiful sunflowers, they just make me smile looking at them! Then I had a party at my house on Saturday where friends travelled from Manchester, London, Wiltshire, Newark and nearby to our house in Nottingham. We had a great time! Then I picked up Ruby on Monday and today in the post our friends sent us this fab card from moonpig with a picture of her on the front, I love it. Talking of innovative presents, I remember when my friend sent me two boxes of "Katy cider" for my birthday, a great idea since my name is Katy and I love anything pink!